Increase Lead Generation in Your B2B Marketing

September 12, 2011

‍Understanding how digital marketing can be used to your advantage can help you to increase lead generation in your b2b marketing.

Increase Lead Generation in Your B2B Marketing

B2B marketing has come a long way since the days of cold calling, direct mail and dropping off brochures.  Now understanding the web usage, social media, media selection, SEO and SEM are the baseline of a marketer’s knowledge.

Understanding how digital marketing can be used to your advantage can help you to increase lead generation in your b2b marketing.  

Today’s marketers must be excellent with their integrated marketing program to clearly understand their prospect’s needs and find the best ways to create an emotional connection to the brand. Successful marketing professionals also need to understand how to identify which tactics work and which need to be reconsidered.Online marketing, brand building and lead generation marketing is becoming much more clear and trackable in digital marketing, the emphasis has shifted from merely taking actions to generating tangible results. Some of the best methods of generating leads make use of human psychology and touch the emotions of your potential clients.

Keeping the message simple and telling a story to illustrate benefits are great ways to increase your number and quality of leads.

When this brand-driven approach is combined with solid data, the result is a highly effective lead generation and lead nurturing organization.

The most effective ways to attract and retain quality leads are to test the effectiveness of approaches and to tie a prospect’s needs and emotions to your product and brand across all prospects’ touch points. When a marketer wants to come across as approachable and add value to their offering, be prepared to constantly test the messaging and understand there is not one message for your entire audience of prospects.Not all leads in the online marketing ecosystem are of the same value. Every time a prospect or client views a company’s website or social media portal, that individual becomes a prospective lead or nurtured client.  However, attempting to chase every person who loads a web page is both fruitless and frustrating.

It's important to have a system for determining the quality of your leads so you know where to focus your efforts.So, while marketing is more trackable and the opportunities to create brand loyalist have multiplied, why is marketing and sales more distant than before?

Sales needs marketers to be more than a great storyteller, they need their marketing person to also be a decent analyst. The sales process has always been about putting numbers on the proverbial board, but marketing has often been treated as a less quantifiable effort.

Every marketer must understand which particular color scheme, copy, video, social media outreach or other specific branding detail results in generating more or less leads.

More marketers must take up the gauntlet to track, quantify and rate all traffic from interested parties to quality leads to viable prospect to client.Web 2.0 Lead Generation and nurturing tools are readily available and more affordable than ever before. Find a great marketing partner that has implemented integrated marketing and lead generation plans if you're interested in maximizing your digital presence to drive sales.