What Do People Think Of Your Brand’s Social Media Presence?
You have to be able to connect with customers, hear their insights, and be able to communicate with them in order to have a sustainable brand presence.

In this day and age, having a social media presence is one of the most important elements in a company’s marketing campaign. You have to be able to connect with customers, hear their insights, and be able to communicate with them in order to have a sustainable brand presence. These days, it seems like everyone is talking about content marketing and how important it is to create your own original content. But this content is not worth your time or energy if you are not delivering it in an appropriate manner. Plus, you have to make sure you are putting out the right type of content that represents your brand. These are some social media marketing mistakes and reactions that you DON’T want your customers to have when they are reading your content:
“What exactly does this company do, anyway?”
Many companies get nervous about posting anything that could get them in trouble. So, they resort to posting about general topics and they become a less robust and less-effective version of news sources. This just serves to confuse people, doesn’t add value, and isn’t likely to yield a strong ROI.
“Stop trying to sell me something.”
Being present on social media doesn’t necessarily mean promoting your products at all times. You have to be able to share information that is insightful and shareable. However, many companies end up stuck in the sales-pitch trap where all they talk about on their social media channels is how amazing their products are. Don’t get us wrong, they may be amazing, but customers can become easily deterred if all you are sharing is promotional content.
“What? What is that?”
Not having a backstory shows people that you have no idea what you’re talking about. This gives your fans the feeling that they’re left out of an inside joke and leaves people confused about why they are even connected to you on social media.
“I don’t care what you eat.”
Unless it’s seriously epic and something people have likely never seen before or it’s closely tied to your brand, please don’t share your food pictures as a business social media tactic.
“Am I following a robot?”
There are many tools out there that you can use when managing social media channels that will find content, schedule posts, and even automate this process for you. But you have to be careful because this can easily backfire. When customers start seeing 20 generic posts a day, with no personal tone, they will notice that this is just a machine on the other end and they might become disinterested.
It is easy to put your social media campaign on the back burner or not dedicate enough time to build a robust presence. However, your company will have a social media presence whether you or your customers do it. It is best to dedicate your time and effort to build a strong presence on all these social media channels, communicate with your customers daily, and make sure that all these efforts are aligned with your overall brand strategy.